I've just started a new course in Multimedia at Nottingham Trent University, and this is my shiney new blog to document my progession and showcase my work over the next three years. I suppose it would only be logical to start at the beginning.
Today was the second day of my new course and we made pinhole cameras using a drinks can and a lot of duct tape:
We took these makeshift cameras outside and exposed them for a few seconds to the scene we wished to capture. After this we took them back down to the dark room and developed the images, the result:
The white marks on the image are where the developing soloution didn't fully cover the paper, somthing to improve on next time.
This original image was the negative, so when the colour is inverted and contrast increased, we get this:
This picture shows clearly the detail of the building photographed and the effect created is quite impressive, I think it wouldn't look out of place in a horror film. The increaced contrast also nicely disguises the flaw in the film that resulted in the white patches on the original picture.
While adjusting the brightness and contrased I also somehow managed to create an alternate version of the final image:
The shine on the building gives it the impression of being metalic and the sky has an almost digital effect, making the scene look suprisingly futuristic and as though it were taken with a modern camera.
I should also mention that on the first day of the course we worked with some whiteboard animations, and at some point they will also be uploaded here hopefully by the next post.